9 月 17 日(星期二)東鐵綫列車出軌的初步資料 Initial information of a East Rail Line train derailed on 17/Sep (Tue)
初步資料顯示,東鐵綫由落馬州開出的列車,約於 0830 時在紅磡站附近出軌,這班 L094 列車的 12 個車廂中,至少 3 個車廂出軌,頭卡已進入該站 1 號月台。車廂分離後列車迅即停低,但由於車上電綫經已扯斷,所以未能一次過發出疏散指示
事件中,一對車門 及 一段路軌 同告損壞,有乘客經這對車門落路軌逃生,期間他們亦用緊急門掣開啟其他車門,但無人按車外指示打開緊急逃生梯,期間共有八名乘客輕傷,緊急服務人員亦協助乘客疏散
涉事列車為「中期翻新列車」,由英國生產並於 1982 年投入服務涉事列車為「中期翻新列車」;行車訊號為法國阿爾斯通(Alstom)的「TBL」系統,而昨晚的路軌工程亦無牽涉這段路軌
出軌原因仍有待確定,車輪缺損 或 路軌斷裂 皆有可能,機電工程署將成立獨立調查委員會,跟進事件。而出軌的車廂會於署方完成初步調查、蒐證後,吊離事發現場,目前港鐵公司未能公佈東鐵綫全綫恢復通車的時間

By the initial information, an East Rail Line service L094 which originated from Lok Ma Chau derailed near Hung Hom at ~0830 hours. At least 3 of 12 carriages derailed with the 1st carriage entered Platform 1 there and a pair of train doors were damaged
The train stopped immediately when carriages were disconnected and no centralised evacuation order can be made due to inter-car wires were ruptured. A pair of train doors and a piece of rail also found damaged, while passengers descended onto tracks through this door
During the course, passengers also opened other doors through emergency handles however no detrainment ladders deployed by the instruction displayed outside carriages. 8 passengers received minor injuries in total and emergency service also assisted their evacuations
The train involved is a Mid-Life Refurbishment Train manufactured in Great Britain and put into service since 1982. The current signalling system is “TBL” which made by French-based Alstom while the rail replacement work yesterday night did not include this section of tracks
The reason of derailment is not known. Wheel defect or cracked rail are possible clauses. An independent investigation will be established by the EMSD of HKSAR Gov. Derailment carriages will then be lifted away when EMSD finishes their preliminary evidence searches
The #MTR Corporation is unable to provide any estimated resumption time of full East Rail Line services in the stage