「易達車」乃指由港鐵公司 或 其他復康團體營運,可供輪椅直接上落的私家車,其服務適用於乘搭「升降機更換及大修」中列明的車程組合
你可利用月台上的召援專綫,或在此按下「聯絡車站」頁面,尋找車站職員協助,他們會陪同你到上車地點;但由於香港「易達車」數目有限,乘客等候「易達車」前來的時間可能會長達 30 分鐘
受牌照所限,每部「易達車」最多只可接載兩名 輪椅(一名電動輪椅)乘客 及 兩位隨行之照顧者,惟可容納之輪椅尺寸為:
長度不超過 102 公分、闊度不超過 66 公分、高度連乘客不超過 200 公分
於每日 0700 至 2300 時,
藍田 出口 C – 鯉魚門道分別有易達車來往:
太古 出口 C – AEON Style 康怡有易達車分別來往:
Accessible Cars are private cars operated by the MTR Corporation or other rehabilitation groups that carry wheelchair directly. Accessible Car Services are applicable for designated journeys listed on the Lift replacement and overhauls page
You may use any Help Lines on the platform or click here to speak to station staff and request an Accessible Car. Station staff will lead you to the boarding point. However the number of Accessible Car in Hong Kong is limited, you may need to wait up to 30 mins until the car comes
Owing to license limitations, each Accessible Car could carry two wheelchair (one electrically-powered wheelchair)passengers and two caretakers only. It can accommodate wheelchairs with
the length not exceeding 102 cm, the width not exceeding 66 cm, the height with the use not exceeding 200 cm
Accessible Car services will be ceased when these is serious congestions on the road, Black Rainstorm Warning Signal, No. 8 Gale or Storm Signal or any higher tropical cyclone signal is in effect
Meanwhile at 0700 to 2300 hours everyday, there are Accessible Cars operating between Lam Tin Exit C – Lei Yue Mun Road and:
Tai Koo Exit C – Aeon Style Kornhill and